Monday, October 22, 2012

It's A... Part 2

IT'S A.....

Saturday Marc and I were given a blessing by a good friend from church to have a sonar in her home to find out the gender of our baby! When asked Friday night I, of course, was excited but nervousness soon followed! I knew that whatever that sonar revealed would change our lives either way!
Since this pregnancy was so different (and when I say "different" I mean SICK.. Very,very SICK) I was convinced that it must be a boy. Seeing as my pregnancy with Sarah Catherine was a breeze in comparison! I am totally convinced of what my sister in law, Staci, told me a couple of weeks ago.. "God gives you a great first pregnancy so you will want to have another baby later on." My mother was in total agreement and so truthfully stated (as mothers often do) "If you (me) had been first, I wouldn't have had another one." (Thank you for the sweet love Mom)
After the nervous feeling passed, anxiety set in.. I was ready to find out and start nesting!! We are proud to announce that we will be having another little girl! We are so excited and Sarah Catherine is nesting more than I am! She couldn't wait to get the baby things out of the attic and start cleaning and washing everything! She was upset that we decided to paint the nursery the week of Thanksgiving.. She wanted to do it all RIGHT THEN!!!
After finding out Marc really wanted to surprise Sarah Catherine, so we went to the mall and bought a sweet little gown and a matching bib and burp cloth wrapped in a pink bow! Her expression was priceless! We were able to tell her that her baby sister was stretched out on the sonar waving her little right hand and had her feet crossed at the ankles! We were able to see all 10 little toes perfectly and her heart and brain also looked great! God is continually blessing our family and I am so thankful we serve such a BIG God!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fish Anyone?

Marc took Sarah Catherine fishing today.. Who said fishing was a guy sport??? And she caught with a Hello Kitty bow.. What a girl!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

6 Years Has Flown By

Last Friday was Sarah Catherine's 6th Birthday and with everything that had been going on in the month of September the 28th really snuck up on me! I laid in bed Thursday night watching Sarah Catherine sleep and could still see the resemblance of the baby she used to be. With the absolute madness that goes along with raising an almost six year old and plus Marc being out of town for three weeks I wished for that moment she could be a baby again.. No judgement, no arguing, no back talk, and last but not least NO attitude! I never realized how much of a Daddy's girl Sarah Catherine really is until he was in Georgia finishing his training for three weeks (which really felt like 3 months). Nevertheless, party day had arrived and she was so far past excited!! Not only was her party that evening, but she knew I was bringing cupcakes to her class for snack, but even more importantly, her DADDY was FINALLY coming home that day!
I have no idea what possessed me to make my doctors appointment for that morning (bad planning on my part), but Marc was able to meet me in Birmingham and see the baby's heartbeat (which made his day)! After rushing home, grabbing the cupcakes, I stayed up until 11 the night before baking, and rushing to MPS I saw my daughters face beam with joy and excitement (which of course made all the stress worth it)... After partying like it was 1999 with the Class of 2025 (ok figuring up that year scares me a little) we checked Sarah Catherine out of school early (per the request of the birthday girl) and rushed home to prepare for her party that night.
I am noticing hiding gifts is much harder than it used to be.. Buying things too far in advance is not always a good thing for me seeing as I forget about it or I can't remember where I hid it (aka the toys I hid in the storage under my trunk that will now be used for Christmas.. Lose/Win I guess)!
Choosing a painting party for Sarah Catherine was so much fun! The kids had a great time, everything was included, and the best part.. I didn't spend the week before the party cleaning and two days after cleaning either (WIN/WIN/WIN).. Ginny Robert has a great location for her painting parties and it was all Sarah Catherine could talk about.. That and the gifts! Overall it was a great day for the birthday girl and we are so proud God has blessed us with her (attitude and all.. Ok maybe I could do without the attitude ;) ). Just think this time next year Baby Rollins will be here to party hardy with us!