Thursday, May 23, 2013

First grade here we come!

A year ago my sweet girl was graduating preschool and about to embark on her first of many years of "big school" as we call it in our home. I had so many fears and reservations about Sarah Catherine starting school. She would no longer be with me all day everyday.. She would no longer have the security of being right down the hall from my preschool classroom.. She would finally be discovering who she was without her mom there to protect her from the world. I experienced so much anxiety and really had learn to "cut the apron strings." Learning to do this without letting her in on my fears was a hard task, but once again I leaned on Christ for His strength and guidance. I am so thankful Jesus was there with her every step of the way and blessed her with a school surrounded with teachers who have taught her so much. She was so blessed to have Missy Lay to guide, protect, teach, and love her this year! She is an incredible teacher who has a passion for her students and treats them as her very own! Ms. Lay has done so well preparing Sarah Catherine for the first grade.. and for all of this we are grateful! She has done so well academically, and ended this year with the Good Citizenship Award. Proud cannot even describe how Marc and I feel! This year, coming to an end, is bittersweet.. We have so much to look forward to in the upcoming school year and will continue to pray for God's Grace for Sarah Catherine, but for my nerves as well!