Sunday, March 10, 2013

I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart.. WHERE???

Several months back we had a lesson in Sunday School about joy. I never knew the difference between joy and happiness, but little did I know this was God preparing my heart for what was ahead!
Spending so much time in the NICU staring at our beautiful 4lb blessing I have pondered so much about that specific Sunday School lesson. It is so easy to pity your child, yourself, your family, your whole situation! But, being here is also very humbling and brings a new perspective to the word JOY!
Joy is finding goodness and happiness in every situation. This has been an INCREDIBLE struggle for me! Growing up I always believed God's purpose for us, as His children, is to be happy.. When in fact that is not the case at all. I have learned that God's purpose is for us to have joy in every circumstance! Having this sort of joy shows God our faith in Him, in any circumstance.. It shows Him we can be comforted by His grace alone!
Before my maternity leave I had been teaching my preschoolers Galatians 5:22.. The fruits of the Spirit... Here again, little did I know this was God preparing me for what was I was about to face! It has been so difficult finding joy while seeing an IV in the top of my babies head, or a feeding tube down her nose, or 10 wires going in 10 different directions, or having to leave my baby daughter day after day in a place that, while I know it's what is best for her, is not my arms! I have to search for a joy only God can give me.. A joy filled with His Grace and Mercy!
I totally believe this is why God's purpose for us isn't to be happy, but to be joyful, why?? Because HE is in control!